About CagedSongs.com

CagedSongs.com by created by K.G. Song in order to share his writings, mostly short stories and flash fiction.

The title is based on his belief that we all have caged songs within us that need to come out. Keeping our stories “caged” inside of us keeps us from living fully in our lives.

The stories he shares through this website are some of the songs that are now free to soar high. These stories have been published in YouTube channels and online magazines.

Enjoy these stories.

K.G. Song

** Contact me at cagedsongs[at]gmail[dot]com. Please replace [at] and [dot] with appropriate symbols. Emails are answered within a few days.

** A drabble is usually defined as a story with 100 words. However, some publishers accept stories between 90 words and 110 words as a drabble.

** The images used on this website come from public domain sources, such as pixabay.com and unsplash.com with Creative Commons 0 license or my own photo collection.